
Remarks by Ms.Rabiye On Japanese Conservative Political Action Conference

Ct, 09/07/2019 - 12:09 -- Kanat
(Read by Ms. Kadeer's representative in the conference room on August 31)
Today China detained more than 3 million people in its vast number of concentration camps in occupied East Turkistan. Also, about one million people to be imprisoned and forcefully moved to other parts of China. I believe this is not only a sign of China’s ethnic genocide towards Uyghurs but also the first step of its plan to be the hegemony of the world in 2050 that declared on 19th National People’s Congress.

Rabeya Kadeer: I applaud Qatar for withdrawing support for evil

Cu, 08/23/2019 - 01:34 -- Kanat

Qatar's decision to withdraw its signature from among the 37 countries who signed a joint letter to endorse China's concentration camps in East Turkistan (so-called Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) is not only showing sympathy towards the Uyghur people suffering in the camps, but more importantly it is about protecting its national image around the world. I applaud Qatar on both aspects, and I also want to express my gratitude on behalf of the oppressed Uyghur nation to Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.          

Appointing Elnigar as an important member of the Trump administration is a wise decision

Sa, 08/20/2019 - 10:13 -- Kanat
(I deeply appreciate Trump admirations’ decision to appoint Elnigar Iltebir as a director for China at the National Security Council)
In my opinion, America was wrong in her foreign relation with China in the past half-century that America handed her the power of hegemony to China with her hand. American is the only leading power that can protect global justice and peace in terms of her universal power and general value.

A fake joint letter under the name of Uighur scholars is a mirror to Uighur situation

Cu, 07/26/2019 - 18:30 -- Kanat


Honorable Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, I am deeply impressed by the impact that your statement on Uighur crisis made to China after reading the joint letter in the name of Uighur scholars. I am also greatly disturbed by relentless efforts by China’s regime to play the games in the international stage. The joint letter was another show by the CCP propaganda. I know this very well because the regime forced my son Abdurehim to speak against me on a TV show in 2010.

The truth statement about the concentration camps in East Turkistan as a lesson for humanity

Çar, 07/17/2019 - 10:34 -- Kanat

I don’t know how much this statement you signed has impact on China. However, this statement is one of the most important movements in our history to save the lives of more than 3 million innocents detainees in China’s concentration camps languishing in a horrific and horrifying situation. Their relatives outside of the camps and the Uyghurs in exile are deeply concerned about their well-being This letter has shown us some hope for our future and restored, to a great extent, our trust to humanity which has not completely vanished or been commercialized.

China must be convinced to give permission to investigate independently

Sa, 07/09/2019 - 13:39 -- Kanat

Honorable President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

The recent news reports about your comments on the Uyghur situation after your official visit to China have deeply hurt us, the overseas Uyghur community around the world. That is not because of the false reports about our situation, but because these reports do not match your international image as a world leader and friend of the oppressed people all around the world. Ten years ago, you were the only foreign government leader who called the Chinese massacre on July 5 in Urumqi a genocide.

Message from Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett in Support of the April 6th Rally to Urge Action on the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act

Pa, 04/07/2019 - 21:21 -- Kanat
Good Afternoon- I want to congratulate all of you who are here for this important rally and I wish that I could be with you in person. It was just a year ago that I was proud to stand with Rebiyah Kadeer and nearly 200 members of the Uyghur community as we stood in the rain outside the Chinese embassy demanding freedom for their imprisoned family members in East Turkestan.  Sadly, in the intervening year the situation for the Uyghurs of Xinjiang province has only become even more dire. 


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