East Turkestan & the Uyghurs

UNPO Announces European Parliament Conference: Does China Want Real Ethnic Harmony? Professor Ilham Tohti in Perspective

Çar, 05/11/2016 - 19:52 -- Kanat

UNPO, in coordination with the Ilham Tohti Initiative and the Society for Threatened Peoples, will be convening a conference entitled “Does China Want Real Ethnic Harmony? Professor Ilham Tohti in Perspective” at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Human rights awards: the choice of Ilham Tohti, prominent Uighur figure, could lead to tensions with China

Çar, 05/11/2016 - 19:42 -- Kanat
Uighurs protest against China in front of the White House, 2009. Source: Malcom Brown.

Each year, carefully selected human rights defenders are awarded by the Martin Ennals Foundation, an international organization based in Geneva, for their work and efforts. This year, the selection sparks controversy as one of the top three candidates, the scholar Ilham Tohti, belongs to China’s Uighur minority and has been recently sentenced to life for advocating “separatism".


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