East Turkestan & the Uyghurs

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Chairmen Express Deep Concern Over the Recent Arrest of Uyghur Economics Professor Ilham Tohti

Sa, 02/11/2014 - 19:37 -- Kanat
Ilham Tohti

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission co-chairmen Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Frank Wolf (R-VA) today expressed deep concern over the recent arrest and continued detention of economics professor and Uyghur rights advocate Ilham Tohti.

Xinjiang Trouble Echoes in Kyrgyzstan

Pt, 02/03/2014 - 21:02 -- Kanat

A violent encounter on January 23 between Kyrgyz border troops and alleged intruders from China’s Xinjiang province about 40 kilometers inside Kyrgyz Republic territory from the Chinese border left twelve dead, including one Kyrgyz citizen who had originally confronted the group. Initial reports indicated that eleven people were observed in Kyrgyz territory by camp ranger Alexander Barykin, who was killed when attempting to apprehend the men.


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